Monday, May 23, 2011

A Day For Life Lessons

Katarina and I planned on meeting the group at 7:45PM for mass. We had gone to the Plaza de Mayor (major plaza) during the day for orientation, and had passed San Benito's at some point; however, as we had passed a quite few churches and church-looking things, we were not sure exactly which place it was.
One of many culprit lookalikes
Also, it was not marked on our map. We got considerably off target as we ran around the city looking for San Benito's until a man on the street saw how baffled we looked and took pity on us. He was French but spoke decent English, and directed us back to Plaza de Mayor. Props to you, French man. We found San Benito's and walked in at approximately 8:42. At 8:46, the cantar finished and mass was over. Spanish life lesson 5: don't leave late if you don't know where you're going in a foreign city.
Other life lessons of the evening:
6: Though still delicious, it is preferable to order your papas fritas without heaps of mayo.
7: Political protests and sit-ins are neat! Stop to take it all in.
8: Just because you're American does not mean you have to shout. PLEASE. Break that stereotype.
9: Watch out for sleazy Spanish men in clubs in the night (thankfully a lesson learned only vicariously)
10: ALWAYS HAVE YOUR MAP because you never know when it'll be 1AM and your instincts are broken.

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