Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Museums of Madrid Hate Me

Sunday! Get up and go go go! Powerwalk to the bus station on the other side of Valladolid (Ashley and Brenna were too cool to run) and get there approximately three minutes before the bus leaves. Assure the lady selling tickets that we KNOW the bus is just about to leave, and YES, we still would like to buy the tickets, preferably AT THIS VERY MOMENT IF POSSIBLE DUE TO SHORTAGE OF TIME. Get on bus! 
Madrid is a different story from the other Spanish cities I have visited due to its size, significance, and amount of tourists. Okay, let me clarify from Segovia's post--I don't really mind other tourists so much as tourists traps. Please don't try to sell me weird useless things when you hear me speak English, and please please PLEASE don't try to frighten me by popping out of your box, you weird performance artist you. Besides this and that all Madrid's AWESOME art museums close freakishly early on Sundays, I like Madrid. I met up with my friend Caitlin, a recent CSB graduate, and we walked around a bit with our new friend, Natalie, a British girl who works in the same language assistant program as Caitlin. Otherwise... we didn't really do anything. Minus that some of us attempted to catch the 10:30 bus back (2.5 hour drive back to Valladolid) so we had to do quite a bit of running through the city (and we ended up either taking the 11:30 or 12:30 due to shortage of seats, a very late night). I shouldn't have been worried about exercising in Spain. 
Pickpocket prevention

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