Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rain in Spain and Other Cliches

Yesterday, Katarina and I FINALLY went to the bank in la Plaza Mayor to exchange our money after putting it off for days. Promptly after we made our transaction and were organizing our things, the sky started to downpour. At first we were going to show our hearty Minnesota roots by just toughing out the storm, but then we decided to hold back and wait for it to subside (for the sake of our laptops of course). After waiting ten or fifteen minutes with the stylish Spaniards, we grew weary of hanging around and chose to be troopers. Girding our loins, we grabbed each others' hands and sprinted out into the monsoon. 

After running and singing for about a block, some Spaniards beckoned us into an enclave of a restaurant, mentioning something about lightning. They were pointing out a man on balcony nearby and we realized he was putting out a mirror. Por que? No se. After a minute, we again grew restless so, being already pretty wet by this point, we said "Hasta luego!" and bolted again. (In Spain, we are constantly saying "Hasta luego" because "adios" is apparently pretty formal and can sometimes kind of mean "Goodbye forever." However, "Hasta luego" means "Until later" which is an odd thing to say--especially when accompanied with a little salute--to a group of people you'll definitely never see again before running away.)

Resuming singing, we covered obvious classics such as "Singing In The Rain" and "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head"; let me tell you, there is a great deal of joy found in sloshing through deep puddles of fresh rain while it violently pelts your head as you are yelling "BOOM DE YADA BOOM DE YADA" and amused Spaniards look on. Spanish life lesson 15: Rain on Spanish architecture makes for great acoustics (and umbrellas are totally optional).

I love the whole world! My preferred version:

The world is just awesome.

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